Industry Update, March 2022: Government Introduces 2 New Australian Design Rules
On 24 February 2022, the Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon. Kevin Hogan MP, signed two new Australian Design Rules (ADR):
ADR 97/00 – Advanced Emergency Braking (AEB) for Omnibuses, and Medium and Heavy Goods Vehicles; and
ADR 35/07 – Commercial Vehicle Brake Systems
The purpose of ADR 97/00 is to specify the requirements for AEB systems for new omnibuses and new goods vehicles greater than 3.5 tonnes Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) to avoid or mitigate the severity of rear-end in-lane collisions.

Expanding on the mandatory requirements of ADR 35/06, which required Electronic Stability Control (ESC) to be fitted on some goods vehicles, ADR 35/07 requires ESC to be fitted to all omnibuses and goods vehicles over 3.5 tonne GVM.
ESC for heavy vehicles is a form of driver assistance technology designed to improve both vehicle stability and directional control.
Both ADRs will be mandatory for:
- new model buses and goods vehicles from 1 November 2023;
- all buses from 1 November 2024; and
- all goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes GVM from 1 February 2025.

Smedley’s Engineers recommends vehicle manufactures begin planning for the changes as soon as possible to ensure that there is plenty of time to introduce any necessary changes to vehicles to meet the new requirements.
As an approved agent in ROVER, Smedley’s can assist manufacturers keep their Vehicle Type Approvals up to date with the new requirements.
For assistance in this area, please email or refer to the contact details listed at